Are you looking to make your old windows more efficient? Is it underperforming recently? If it is not working well in terms of insulation or energy efficiency, it might be the right time to repair your old window. Here, we have highlighted some indications that your old window needs the assistance of professional repair services. Here is when you need to hire window repair services in Stevenage.
4 signs your old window is in dire need of repair:
Let’s look at some surefire indications that your old window is in need of repair.
Faulty hinges:
Broken hinges could cause a major repair issue. When the arms on the hinges break, they can cause a gap around the side of the window. Air can easily come in through the gap. A window with a broken hinge also causes cold spots. It also becomes a reason for unwanted noise coming in from outside. This could lead to increased heating and energy bills.
Broken locks:
Many old windows also suffer from the problem of broken locks. If the locking mechanism in your window is failing all too frequently, it could imply that certain sides are not pulling into the frame. So, there could be some unwanted gaps around the window. This could cause air gaps and heat loss as well. An ageing window with broken locks could cause many issues with energy efficiency of your home.
Problems with the gaskets:
A shrunken rubber gasket is a difficult yet rare problem. These gaskets are usually made from a solid, robust and high-grade rubber. However, the back wedge rubber gaskets can sometimes shrink. This could cause small gaps to appear. This can once again lead to failed insulation or unwanted intrusion of the outside noise.
Outside noise:
If you feel intruded or disturbed by too much outside noise, this means the noise reduction capability of your window is gradually failing. This is a clear indicator that you need to upgrade to a double-glazing or equivalent noise-cancellation feature.
Are your old windows showing these signs of failure? Get in touch with 1st Glass Services for all kinds of window repair services in Stevenage. We will make sure that your windows help you get quality insulation, soundproofing and better energy efficiency.